BB&T has various activities planned for National Customer Service Week, which began Oct. 1.
The financial holding company has received national accolades recently for its client service. BB&T plans to build on that momentum with a week of activities designed to highlight the bank’s client service culture, known as the “Perfect
Client Experience.”
“This week is about reinforcing our dedication to highly personal service to our valued clients and fellow employees,” said BB&T Chief Operating Officer Kelly King. “Everything we do at BB&T is predicated on serving our clients and continuing to earn their loyalty with every interaction, each and every day.”
BB&T’s celebration for the 15th annual National Customer Service Week will center around a “Service from the Heart” theme. Employees will wear ribbons commemorating the week and can nominate fellow employees as “Service from the Heart champions” for providing stellar service to external and internal clients. Employees also will review the basic tenets of the BB&T service culture and begin each day this week with “quick start” meetings designed to reinforce the “Service from the Heart” theme.
J.D. Power and Associates recently ranked BB&T highest in customer satisfaction among primary mortgage servicing
companies. And BB&T was one of only 21 banks, among 600 surveyed, that received the top “Excellence Award” from Greenwich Associates for overall banking services to small businesses.
Winston-Salem, N.C.-based BB&T Corporation (NYSE: BBT) and its subsidiaries offer full-service commercial and retail banking and additional financial services such as insurance, investments, retail brokerage, mortgage, corporate finance, consumer finance, payment services, international banking, leasing and trust.
BB&T operates more than 1,500 financial centers including five in Surry County: two in Elkin, two in Mount Airy and one in Pilot Mountain.
With $127.6 billion in assets, BB&T Corporation is the 11th largest U.S. financial holding company.
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